Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Badlands and the Devil
After a driving day (2 August) Murray camped in the Black Hills Forest in North Dakato. He awoke at dawn to coyotes - obviously more effective than an alarm! The wildlife theme continued a he visited Wind Cave National Park. As well as seeing prairie dogs, antelope and bison. I was particularly envious of this - seems really western. He didn't visit the caves.
The Badlands were the furtherest east Murray went. Again an amazing sight - familar to geography students from text books but of course much more impressive in reality and on the grand scale that features are in the USA. And its not just the natural features. Murray viewed Mt Rushmore from the road but was more interested to go on to Crazy Horse. This scuplture of the Indian chief is like a medevial cathedral project. It has been going for 60 years and has another 60 to go. The whole thing is some 700ft high and more long, to show Crazy Horse on a horse.

Having found a pleasent campsite in the extreme NW of the Black Hills Forest, Murray could not find his small billy and cooking stove. As these were indispensable he repacked and back tracked two hours to see if he could find them but no luck ( not at this point - hold this for later posts). He camped at the previous night's site again and ate cold andwiches for tea.

Given the lost time he thought of missing the Devil's Tower ( I don't think this personage can be held responsible for the stove) but after trying a different route from yesterday for variety- but variety it seems is not a feature of Central Wyoming - the mentioned difference was following the railway with lots of stationary trains. Fortunately the Devils Tower was worth the effort.

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