Saturday, October 21, 2006

Half way through the term

While the travels are more restricted at present I do think I am very lucky that my journey to school is a very scenic one. The view of Wellington harbour from the Wainuiomata Hill road is a fantastic one -as another friend who travelled a lot once said to me when we travelled together to the Hutt by bus - " you pay a lot to go a see all sorts of sight around the world and for a bus fare you can see this every day". And every day it is different and interesting. The Hutt River was running very high yesterday and you could see the muddy river water spreading into the cleaner sea water.

Currently I car pool with another teacher to get to school. Charles come with us and catch his bus to Wellesley from outside Chilton - which works out well. He comes out with me on school patrol duty and then walks to the bus with other Wellesley boys. We have got into a got routine - he usually cleans my whiteboard and then writes his name on it or plays with some of the other equipment I have - like the long tape measures. He measured my office today. It is 6m long ( for four people). On patrol days we then go and do that, otherwise we have a few minutes on the adventure playground.

At school we are doing some interesting topics - Term 4 always allow us to be more creative as the unit are not assessed with formal tests but with students completely activities - my class is making money - including a wallet for an imagery new Pacific State. The year 9's have been having a great time with a simulated voyage of the early Maori in 12th century. Another year group has made card and board games about the Middle Ages and are then going to make castles. I am collecting up boxes from the cafe for the teacher to use. And the year 10's are in themiddle of their enterprise companies - some very creative. In the midst of all this creativity the teachers are writing reports!

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